Cabo Real Paradise

Did you know that you can invest
in Cabo Real and earn from
for life?
Do you want to stay in this
paradise before anyone else?

Cabo Real, a paradisiacal resort of
more than 1.2 million m2

May Cabo Real Paradise serve as a beacon of hope, showing us that when we respect
and take care of our environment, nature rewards us with a display of life and color
that surpasses any imagination.

+2000 species

The natural wealth of the region is simply breathtaking.

4 Microclimates

Tropical forest, Great variety of trees, plants and flowers.

+8 Beautiful
beaches nearby

Less than 40 minutes from our natural resort.

1.2 Million
of M2

In the middle of the tropical jungle.

A treasure of the
biodiversity in the tropical jungle

Located on the southern coast of Jalisco in the Mexican Pacific, Cabo Corrientes is a privileged area for biological diversity. Terrestrial areas include tropical rainforests, mangroves, streams with a variety of birds, reptiles and mammals, and in Cabo Real our waterfalls, rivers and natural viewpoints will amaze you!

Biodiversity of Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco. Mex.


Magic exists
at Cabo Real

In the heart of Cabo Real Paradise, nature unfolds a spectacular and diverse landscape. Every leaf, every stem, every flower is a testimony to the miracle of life and the resilience of the earth.

Walking along its paths, one cannot help but feel enveloped in a green embrace, a fresh caress that soothes the soul and awakens the senses. Cabo Real Paradise is not just a place, it is an experience that reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of protecting and valuing our environment. The vegetation here is a symbol of hope, renewal and nature's unwavering will to flourish.

in its splendor

Cabo Real is a sanctuary where wildlife celebrates its daily dance of life and freedom. Here, every creature, from the smallest to the largest, plays an essential role in the symphony of the ecosystem. Sunrises are greeted by the melodious song of birds, whose vibrant plumage decorates the sky and fills the air with music. Butterflies, with wings that appear to be hand-painted. Every time you visit this paradisiacal corner, allow yourself to be a spectator of this natural spectacle. Learn from the wisdom that these beings, guardians of ancient traditions and secrets, are willing to share.


Dream landscapes
in a spectacular tropical jungle

The tropical jungle of Cabo Corrientes offers a breathtaking setting with abundant wildlife and lush vegetation. It is a natural paradise that attracts nature lovers, birdwatchers and those seeking adventure in an authentic tropical environment.

The tropical jungle of Cabo Corrientes offers a breathtaking setting with abundant wildlife and lush vegetation. It is a natural paradise that attracts nature lovers, birdwatchers and those seeking adventure in an authentic tropical environment.

Impossible not to give
like so much beauty

New discoveries, landscapes, waterfalls, fauna, flora, and many, many more experiences of our day to day, put here, at the reach of a click on our social networks, join us in the Cabo Real Paradise adventure!

An investment

Capital gains, a growing market and one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world are some of the guarantees for investing in one of the most ambitious Glampling projects in Latin America, Cabo Real Luxury Glamping.

Discover in our
blog the magic of
glamping and paradise

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